Product Description
This plug replaces the air intake heater for less restriction in your intake.
The '99.5 and up 7.3L Powerstrokes and the 2001-2005 6.6L Duramax engines are equipped with a Air Intake(Grid) Heater as well as a glowplug circuit. The Air Intake heater is not needed in most cases and was designed for extended idleing. This Air Intake heater blocks approximately 20% of the airflow through the intake manifold. By replacing the Air Intakeheater with this plug, you increase airflow -- allowing better combustion. This WILL NOT affect cold starts. This fix does NOT cut off heat to the cab.

6.6L Intake Heater vs Delete Plug Shown
Follow the simple instructions below to install the 7.3L Air Intake Heater Plug.
As shown in the picture below, the intake heater is located on the left hand side of the intake manifold. It has two wires attached to it.
Remove the black wire (ground). You can leave this hanging in the valley as it is only a ground wire or you can trace it back to its origin and remove it completely.
Remove the red wire (hot) from the air intake heater. Follow the red wire back to where it terminates at an electric solenoid. You'll need to remove this end of the red wire as well.
There is a blue wire attached to the same terminal post on the solenoid. Leave this blue wire attached. If you do not leave the blue wire attached, a diagnostic scanner cannot do a full contribution test on your vehicle. Do not ignore this.
After you remove the wires, unscrew the heater and remove it. The new plug fits easily in its place. Only snug the Air Intake Heater Plug as it seals with a rubber washer. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Keep any wires so that you can reverse the installation if you ever want to.
Follow the simple instructions below to install the 6.6L Air Intake Heater Plug.
Remove the power wires, unscrew the heater and remove it. The new plug fits easily in its place. Only snug the Air Intake Heater Plug as it seals with a rubber washer. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Photo below of the Intake Heater Delete Plug installed.
Photo below is of a 7.3L Air Intake Heater.

Note: The Air Intake heater is not used on the F650/750. (There is no Air Intake Heater in these vehicles.)
FAQ: What is the real purpose of the intake heater, and when does Ford say it will operate normally?
"To reduce white smoke during long idle periods at low ambient temperatures, the PCM will activate the intake air heater. Specific conditions must be present before the heater is activated: "
ambient temperature must be below 0 deg C (32 deg F)
engine oil temperature must be below 55 deg C (131 deg F)
vehicle power must be between 11.8 and 15 volts
parking brake must be applied on manual transmission vehicles
the transmission must be on park or neutral on automatic transmission vehicles
glow plugs must be off