FINAL UNIT - December, 2009


After several months of running the unit, 20+ additional prototypes with a few changes. The original units had LPOP feed lines for additional oil. An early failure on one of the units due to incorrect installation was enough for Bob to redesign the final units without the additional oil lines and without the need for them. There is no chance of this failure every repeating itself now but at the time rumors spread that the Overdrive had broken a pump on a truck that was running it.  This was indeed that truck, but Bob caught a flight to personally uninstall the broken Overdrive unit and while he was at it he reinstalled said "broken" pump and had the truck running down the road in under 30 minutes.


Beta Test Adrenaline (didn't even have ID stickers yet) with Prototype Overdrive in Nasty Cracker's 1997 OBS PSD

Below are a few photos of the newest prototype unit - notice oil lines were deleted from design - installed in Bob's 1996 Dually OBS.

PULSE WITH EARLY OVERDRIVE - in the original design of the Overdrive, the oil lines added for addtional LPOP feed. This was one setup that required them. THIS WAS WAY TOO BIG FOR FACTORY LPOP volumes. The volume from this setup is about three times larger than an early model pump. STUPID amounts of unneeded oil with his 295cc B-Codes.
Installed in Bob's 1999.5 SuperDuty in early 2009. After this setup was tested, Bob started a high volume LPOP prototype.